Another Inferno / University Gallery / University of Florida / Gainesville, FL / 2012-13
Another Inferno consists of thirty-four individual pieces that each respond to an aspect of the thirty-four cantos of Dante Alighieri’s “Inferno”. Addressing the original text of the poem through autobiographic gesture by proxy of Dante’s own, the project engages with and visually explores Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s concept of the rhizome as addressed in their collaborative text, “A Thousand Plateaus”.
RHIZOMATICS = POP ANALYSIS; With this work the text of “Inferno” is approached through the use of irreverent contemporary reference and middle-class milieu. Ranging from audio and video loops to static objects mined from the suburban homestead, the production and installation of the work favors multiple connections and paths via viewer analysis of the project as opposed to the linear narrative of Dante’s descent through Hell’s multiple levels.
Another Inferno highlights the potential for expanded interpretation and connection of images, objects, ideas, and texts by providing multiple entrances into a work for an individual with any degree of comprehension of the project’s main reference. By considering the physical dimensions of a transcendent space for immanent production, repetition no longer refers solely to Dante’s descriptions of eternal punishment but also to the re-examination of Inferno by means of personal recollection and lived experience
RHIZOMATICS = POP ANALYSIS; With this work the text of “Inferno” is approached through the use of irreverent contemporary reference and middle-class milieu. Ranging from audio and video loops to static objects mined from the suburban homestead, the production and installation of the work favors multiple connections and paths via viewer analysis of the project as opposed to the linear narrative of Dante’s descent through Hell’s multiple levels.
Another Inferno highlights the potential for expanded interpretation and connection of images, objects, ideas, and texts by providing multiple entrances into a work for an individual with any degree of comprehension of the project’s main reference. By considering the physical dimensions of a transcendent space for immanent production, repetition no longer refers solely to Dante’s descriptions of eternal punishment but also to the re-examination of Inferno by means of personal recollection and lived experience
Individual projects + groupings + videos (Cantos I – XXXIV) :
Three Beasts ︎︎︎ Mary Lucy Betty ︎︎︎ Black Flag ︎︎︎ Limbo ︎︎︎ Sebastian & Violet ︎︎︎ Cerberus ︎︎︎ Loop ︎︎︎ City Lights ︎︎︎ Open Door ︎︎︎ Hotbox ︎︎︎ All Florida ︎︎︎ Forming ︎︎︎ Nirvana ︎︎︎ Fringe ︎︎︎ First & Last ︎︎︎ Belt ︎︎︎ Geryon ︎︎︎ Members Only ︎︎︎ Broken In ︎︎︎ Backmask ︎︎︎ Ten & Two ︎︎︎ Nineteen ︎︎︎ Placemat ︎︎︎ Heliotrope ︎︎︎ Some Candles ︎︎︎ Split Flame ︎︎︎ Twenty Six Truck Stops ︎︎︎ True Faith ︎︎︎ Don’t Touch ︎︎︎ This Piece Doesn’t Either ︎︎︎ Untitled Five Times ︎︎︎ Lock ︎︎︎ Cinch ︎︎︎ Satan
Three Beasts ︎︎︎ Mary Lucy Betty ︎︎︎ Black Flag ︎︎︎ Limbo ︎︎︎ Sebastian & Violet ︎︎︎ Cerberus ︎︎︎ Loop ︎︎︎ City Lights ︎︎︎ Open Door ︎︎︎ Hotbox ︎︎︎ All Florida ︎︎︎ Forming ︎︎︎ Nirvana ︎︎︎ Fringe ︎︎︎ First & Last ︎︎︎ Belt ︎︎︎ Geryon ︎︎︎ Members Only ︎︎︎ Broken In ︎︎︎ Backmask ︎︎︎ Ten & Two ︎︎︎ Nineteen ︎︎︎ Placemat ︎︎︎ Heliotrope ︎︎︎ Some Candles ︎︎︎ Split Flame ︎︎︎ Twenty Six Truck Stops ︎︎︎ True Faith ︎︎︎ Don’t Touch ︎︎︎ This Piece Doesn’t Either ︎︎︎ Untitled Five Times ︎︎︎ Lock ︎︎︎ Cinch ︎︎︎ Satan

Three Beasts – video, 0:14 loop – 2012
Nineteen – video, 22:56 – 2013
Twenty Six Truck Stops – HD video, 2:20 – 2012
True Faith – video, 10:25 – 2013